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Health Diagnoses Add/Edit

Health Diagnoses are important data to track from health clearances to illness & disease in real time on your dogs.

To add a New Health Diagnosis through Manage Your Dog’s Data:

  1. Select Manage Your Dog’s Data
  2. From the drop down menu, select either the CoOp Dogs or MyDogs option. If not an ABC dog you will only be able to search the dog for editing purposes under MyDogs. If a CoOp Dog you can search and edit under either.

3. Fill in the dog’s name into the search field to the left of the screen. As you type a box will appear with the names of all dogs that include the searched name. Click on the correct dog’s name.


4. Click on the [Show details] icon to the left of the dog’s name. A row of tabs will appear with data that can be edited.

5. Click on the [Health Diagnoses] tab.

6. Click on the [Add new] button under the tabs.

7. A pop out box will appear. Enter the [Diagnosis Date]. Click on [Select] under the [Diagnosis] field. This field must be filled in according to specific pick lists.

8. Start typing the “Diagnosis” in the search box in the upper right corner. And choose from the drop down list that appears. Select the diagnoses that matches your search and click the  [Search] icon.  Choose the selection from the list when it appears and click on the [Search] icon again in the search bar.

9. These two fields are all that is required to enter a health diagnoses, however, the more details added in the other fields provided is helpful for gathering more data.

  • Additional Details
  • Measure Right and left -when there are a left and right measure (i.e. if only left leg was x-rayed for a broken limb, the right would be normal, the left abnormal.
  • Measure type – select the lab or treatments done to determine diagnoses from the drop down list
  • Who diagnosed – enter the person or organization that diagnosed
  • Confidence Diagnoses is Accurate – based on symptoms, confident diagnoses, presumptive diagnoses, questionable diagnoses source
  • Body Part – select the body part from the drop down menu, based on the part affected
  • Registry Name – used mostly for health clearances, select from drop down menu
  • Certification Number – used mostly for health clearances – the number from the Registry above on the certificate/report provided
  • Trait caused Death – check this box if the outcome resulted in death

10. Click [Save] once all information is entered.

11. Diagnoses will now appear on the Health Diagnoses tab page, you can sort by most categories by clicking on the heading title of the column you wish to sort.

12. To edit a health diagnoses once one has been entered, can be done by clicking the [Edit] icon to the left of the row you wish to edit. A good example of this is updating the diagnoses when needed – as an example – diarrhea can be entered as an original diagnoses, but if two days later the update is the dog is worse or better, instead of adding a new diagnoses, go in and edit by adding an update in the ‘details’ field. Don’t change the date in the [Diagnoses Date] field, but be sure to type the date in comment in details, so you know when the update was made.

13. To delete a health diagnoses once one has been entered, click the small box to the left of the diagnoses in the row you wish to delete. This will prompt the [Delete] box at the top of the list of diagnoses to be activated. Select [Delete] box. A confirmation box will appear. Click Delete.