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BCL List of “Low” Scores

Below is the list of the Behaviour Check List (BCL) items that are in the lowest scores. These scores are used to create the Behavior Spider or Radar Charts in IWDR:

  1. bcl_ComposeLow
    1. bcl_FearNewPlacesSituations
    2. bcl_DropsRespActive
    3. bcl_DropsRespPassive
    4. bcl_SelfModulation
  2. bcl_EnvSoundLow
    1. bcl_LOCTrafficNoise
    2. bcl_FearObjects
    3. bcl_Underfootings
    4. bcl_FearTraffic
    5. bcl_FearStrangers
    6. bcl_FanExhaustFear
    7. bcl_Riding
    8. bcl_StrangerAggressn
    9. bcl_CarExhaust
  3. bcl_TouchSensLow
    1. bcl_YieldsSpace
    2. bcl_SensitivityHarness
    3. bcl_BodyAwareness
  4. bcl_DistractLow
    1. bcl_DistractionDogs
    2. bcl_Olfactory
  5. bcl_ChaseLow
    1. bcl_ChaseAnimals
    2. bcl_MovementExcites
  6. bcl_HeightsLow
    1. bcl_FearElevatedAreas
    2. bcl_Stairs
  7. bcl_DogProbLow
    1. bcl_FearDogs
    2. bcl_DogAggressnNoLeash
    3. bcl_DogAggressnLeash
  8. bcl_ResGdLow
    1. bcl_PossessionAggressn
    2. bcl_ResourceGuardDogs
  9. bcl_MannersLow
    1. bcl_HouseManners
    2. bcl_SocialManners
    3. bcl_Housebreaking
  10. bcl_AdaptLow
    1. bcl_SeparationAnxiety
    2. bcl_HandlerAttachment
    3. bcl_KennelsPoorly