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4. Fear of Underfootings

4. Fear Of Underfootings

Definition Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
Fearful, nervous, apprehensive of various walking surfaces: slippery floors, gratings, other
    No fear or apprehension when approaching different walking surfaces (slippery floors, gratings).
    Crosses over them without changing pace
Very mild signs of avoidance when approaching or walking on different surfaces (slippery floors, gratings). Signs may include:

    slight hesitancy to step on, very mild hurrying across surface
    mildly tense body language
    Maintains work
Mild signs of avoidance when approaching or walking on different surfaces.
Signs may include:

    mild hesitancy to step on with mild transient compression
    mild hurrying across surface
    moderately tense body language
    Improves with subsequent exposure without encouragement from handler.
    Maintains work
Moderate signs of avoidance when approaching or walking on different surfaces. Signs may include:

    balking on approach
    attempts to jump over
    hurrying to get off surface
    slowing down dramatically
    will always tend to avoid them, but not at the expense of making a clearance error or endangering the person
    Requires encouragement to maintain work
Fearful when approaching or walking on different surfaces. Signs may include:

    hesitancy, hurrying, balking or refusal
    very tense body language
    will avoid them even if it results in a clearance error or other mistake that may endanger the person.
    Does not maintain work.

Video Examples

Test Type Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
GDBART Adult Dog Test Absent Example Example Example 1 | Example 2 Severe
Walk & Talks Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
Puppy Test Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe