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Puppy Program Stats

1. In the first chart shown, Chart Juvenile Dogs (Age in Months) enables the user to view puppies Count, and Distribution by Age, Sex, and Breed.

1.a. Number of puppies in training shows all puppies regardless of sex or breed. However, Males are indicated with dark blue, Females are indicated with the lighter blue.

1.b. You can also choose to view the chart filtered down to include only individual sexes or by individual breeds (breed options are available based on the breeds in your data used to pull this chart)

2. In the second chart shown, Chart Puppies By Region enables the user to view puppies Count, and Distribution by Age, Sex, and Breed in Regions.

2.a. Number of puppies by region shows puppies region regardless of sex or breed. However, Males are indicated with dark blue, Females are indicated with the lighter blue.

2.b. You can also choose to view the chart filtered down to include only individual sexes or by individual breeds (breed options are available based on the breeds in your data used to pull this chart).