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10. Fear Of Strangers

10. Fear Of Strangers

Definition Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
Fearful, nervous, apprehensive with strangers, cautious, avoidant,
hackling, slow approach, keying in, barking, growling, escape
    • Shows no signs of caution, fear or suspicion when encountering unfamiliar person(s). Comfortable around strangers regardless of strange appearance or behavior.
Slightly cautious, fearful or suspicious when encountering unfamiliar person(s). Quickly recovers however may need a little verbal encouragement from handler

Signs may include:

  • turning head away looking in other direction,
  • brief displacement sniffing
  • leaning body away slightly, include watching person and/or slightly slowing down.
Mildly cautious, fearful or suspicious when encountering unfamiliar person(s). Quickly recovers however may need a little verbal encouragement from handler or a change in the unfamiliar person.

Signs may include:

  • moving body away,
  • mild hackling,
  • slowing down,
  • slight compression of the body,
  • looking away or watching person cautiously,
  • mild displacement sniffing.
Moderately cautious, fearful or suspicious when encountering unfamiliar person(s). Slower to recover even with support from the handler.

When approached, signs may include:

  • low body posture,
  • moderately pulling back to avoid contact,
  • moderate raised hackles and/or may vocalize.

When moving past, signs may include:

  • moderately slowing down and/or hesitancy to pass by,
  • moderate focus on person, moderate raised hackles,
  • vocalization, and/or moderate compression of the body.
Very cautious, fearful or suspicious when encountering unfamiliar person(s). Very slow or does not recover even with support from the handler.

When approached, signs may include:

  • dilated eyes,
  • very raised hackles,
  • trembling,
  • vocalizing,
  • retreat and/or escape.
  • May become aggressive in a situation where it cannot easily escape (‘cornered’).
  • Is unable to work past person, may vocalize and/or severe compression of the body.

Video Examples

Test Type Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
GDBART Adult Dog Test Absent Example Mild Example Severe
Walk & Talks Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
Puppy Test Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe