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38. Inappropriate Elimination While Working En Route

38. Inappropriate Elimination While Working En Route

Definition Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
Eliminates while working en route. Never eliminates en route. Rarely eliminates en route.

    Improves substantially with age and is unlikely to present a problem in the future
Occasionally eliminates en route.

    Adjustment of the feeding schedule/amount and diligent relieving schedule has improved the problem.
Often eliminates or attempts to eliminate en route.

    Has shown some improvement with age and/or changes in feeding routine.
Routinely eliminates at will and in inappropriate places.

    Attempts to establish a predictable elimination schedule have failed and the dog shows no improvement with age.

Video Examples

Test Type Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
GDBART Adult Dog Test Absent Example Example Moderate Severe
Walk & Talks Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
Puppy Test Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe