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35. Aggression Toward Strangers

35. Aggression Toward Strangers

Definition Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
Shows aggression towards unfamiliar people (charges, rushes, bites or attempts to bite)
    • Shows no signs of aggressive tendencies toward unfamiliar people.
Very mild signs of aggressive tendencies toward some unfamiliar people. Readily refocuses on staying on task with minimal handler support and/or encouragement.

Signs include:

  • shifting weight forward accompanied by mildly stiff body language,
  • mild profiling and/or raised hackles.
  • Does not growl, charge, bark, bare teeth or attempt to bite in the presence of unfamiliar people.
Mild signs of aggressive tendencies toward some unfamiliar people. Refocuses back stiff body language, profiling and/or on task with mild handler support and/or encouragement.

Signs include:

  • stiff body language,
  • profiling and/or raised hackles along with growling and/or barking.
  • Does not charge bare teeth or attempt to bite in the presence of unfamiliar people.
Moderate signs of aggressive tendencies toward some unfamiliar people. Moderately difficult to refocus on task despite significant handler intervention and support.

Signs include:

  • rushing or charging often while growling, barking and/or baring teeth.
  • Does not attempt to bite when in presence of unfamiliar people
Severe signs of aggressive tendencies toward some unfamiliar strangers, Very difficult to refocus, or cannot refocus on task despite significant handler intervention and support.

Signs include:

  • biting or attempting to bite, often with rushing or charging while growling, barking and/or baring teeth in presence of unfamiliar people.

Video Examples

Test Type Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
GDBART Adult Dog Test Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
Walk & Talks Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
Puppy Test Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe