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2. Fear Of Noises

2. Fear Of Noises

Definition Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
    Startle, tense body language, hurries, escape or displacement behaviors when exposed to noise such as car horns, hair dryers, vacuums, banging.
    No startle response, fear or apprehension
Very mild signs of concern or startle that may include:

    Very slight change in energy (slowing down or speeding up)
    Briefly moving away with quick return.
    Slightly tense body language with almost immediate return to normal.
    No concern noted with subsequent exposure.
    Maintains work.
Mild signs of concern or startle that may include:

    Mild to moderate change in energy (slowing down or speeding up)
    Mild coping strategies of moving away or displacement sniffing.
    Mild to moderate tense body language with rapid return to normal.
    Returns to normal readily with support or some time to resolve stress.
    Improves with subsequent exposures.
    Maintains work.
Moderate signs of concern or startle that may include:

    Moderate change in energy (slowing down or speeding up)
    Moderate tense body language
    Coping strategy of moving away slightly,
    Release of emotional energy.
    Up to 1 minute of habituation time.
    Interferes with dog’s ability to maintain work without encouragement.
Severe signs of concern or fear reaction that may include:

    Moderate to severe change in energy (slowing down or speeding up)
    Very tense body language
    Strong coping strategy of moving away.
    Release of emotional energy.
    Over 1 minute of habituation time despite support.
    Does not maintain work despite encouragement

Video Examples

Test Type Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
GDBART Adult Dog Test Example Example 1 | Example 2 Example 1 | Example 2 Example Example
Walk & Talks Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
Puppy Test Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe