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37. Resource Guarding Toward Dogs Or Other Pets

37. Resource Guarding Toward Dogs Or Other Pets

Definition Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
Exhibits signs of aggressive guarding or possessiveness of resources (objects, toys, food) toward dogs or other pets that are present and/or approaching
    Shows no signs of aggressive guarding or possessiveness of resources (objects, toys, food) toward dogs or other pets that are approaching and/or attempting to take away an item.
Hovers over objects/toys/food without vocalizing when dogs or other pets are approaching or attempting to take away an item.

    May also exhibit very slight signs of conflict;
    change in energy
    tongue flicking
    eating more quickly or stop eating
    Yields almost immediately on own.
Hovers over objects/toys/food when dogs or other pets are approaching or attempting to take away an item.

    May also exhibit as moderate signs of conflict;
    moving away
    tongue flicking
    brief stiffening
    brief staring with or without half-moon shape of the whites of the eyes showing (whale eye)
    very brief growling
    Yields readily with handler direction.
Hovers over objects/toys/food and displays overt aggressive signs when dogs or other pets are approaching and/or attempting to take away an item.

    Aggressive signs may include;
    prolonged stiffening
    staring with half-moon shape of the whites of the eyes showing (whale eye)
    baring of teeth
    Does not always yield with efforts to redirect the behavior.
Hovers over objects/toys/food and displays overt aggressive signs when dogs or other pets are approaching and/or attempting to take away an item.

    Aggressive signs may include;
    prolonged stiffening
    staring with half-moon shape of the whites of the eyes showing (whale eye)
    baring of teeth
    attempts to bite or snap when challenged.
    Does not yield with efforts to redirect the behavior.

Video Examples

Test Type Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
GDBART Adult Dog Test Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
Walk & Talks Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
Puppy Test Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe