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20. Slow To Return To Productive Emotional State

20. Slow To Return To Productive Emotional State

Definition Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
It takes the dog a long time to recover its productive emotional state following exposure to an arousing or stressful stimulus situation.
    Returns immediately (in less than 15 seconds) to productive emotional state after an exciting or stressful stimulus.
Returns very quickly (15 to 30 seconds) to productive emotional state after an exciting or stressful stimulus has passed. Returns quickly (30 seconds to 2 minute) to productive emotional state after an exciting or stressful stimulus has passed Slow to return (2 to 5 minutes) to productive emotional state following exposure after an exciting or stressful stimulus has passed. Signs may include:

    Occasional progressive increase in recovery time following repeated exposure to exciting and/or stressful stimuli
Very slow to return (> 5 minutes) to productive emotional state after an exciting or stressful stimulus has passed. Signs may include:

    often exhibits progressive increase in recovery time following repeated exposure to exciting and/or stressful stimuli

Video Examples

Test Type Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
GDBART Adult Dog Test Absent Very Mild Example Moderate Severe
Walk & Talks Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
Puppy Test Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe