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11. Body Handling Concern

11. Body Handling Concern

Definition Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
Avoidant, anxious, fearful and/or aggressive when handled for non-invasive activities in a manner typical of a vet exam, grooming and/or nail clipping
    Relaxed when handled for non-invasive activities in a manner typical of a vet exam, grooming, nail clipping
Very mild signs of concern. Signs may include:

    very mild tongue flicking
    very mildly tense body language and muscle tone
    yawning when handled for non-invasive activities in a manner typical of a vet exam, grooming, nail clipping.
    Is not difficult to manage and needs no or minimal supportive handling
Mild signs of concern. Signs may include:

    mildly activated or inhibited
    mild tongue flicking
    mildly tense body language and muscle tone, when handled for non-invasive activities in a manner typical of a vet exam, grooming, nail clipping
    Able to tolerate exam with mild supportive handling.
Moderate signs of concern. Signs may include:

    moderately activated or inhibited
    moderate pulling back or flailing
    moderately tense body language and muscle tone, yawning and/or panting when handled for non-invasive activities in a manner typical of a vet exam, grooming, nail clipping.
    Very difficult to manage but can finish exam with significant effort.
Very fearful signs of concern. Signs may include:

    severely activated or inhibited.
    escaping or attempting to escape,
    growling, having raised hackles, baring teeth, snapping and/or attempting to bite when handled for non-invasive activities in a manner typical of a vet exam, grooming, nail clipping.
    Very difficult to manage despite significant attempts of supportive handling.
    Unable to effectively complete exam.

Video Examples

Test Type Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
GDBART Adult Dog Test Example Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3 Example 1 | Example 2 Example Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3
Walk & Talks Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
Puppy Test Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe