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Breeder Host & Care – Communications

There are times when it is necessary to record communications had with Breeder hosts.

  1. The following fields are required fields to enter a communication:

a) Date – Enter or select the [Date] of the communication.

b) Activity – Select the activity by clicking on the down arrow and select from the drop-down list.

c) Person – Start typing the person’s name of whom the communication is with. If no match, youmust first create the person’s file. A person’t file only needs to be entered once.

An additional note on b): When selecting the ‘activity’, the list gives options on different communications, select the best match.

The following are additional data you can enter but are not required fields to save the communications as above in the first three entry fields.

d) Program Dog is In – Select from the drop-down menu the best match to the program the dog is in.

e) Notes – Add any notes on the information you have and want to keep from the communication.

f) Reported By – Who had the communication with the [Person] listed above.

g) Location – Select the location from the drop-down menu of where the communication took place.

h) Requires FollowUp – Does this communication require follow up? If so, check this box.

i) Assign Followup To – If being assigned to someone (else or yourself) start typing the name of the person to whom it is being assigned. If no match appears, a person will need to be created first.

j) Due Next – When is the follow up due? Enter or select the date.

k) Confidential – if this is a confidential communication, click this box.

3. Once all data is entered, click [Save] button.