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22. Fear On Elevated Areas, Drop-Offs Etc.

22. Fear On Elevated Areas, Drop-Offs Etc.

Definition Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
Dog is fearful, apprehensive, hesitant near platform edges or other elevated areas
    Is relaxed when on elevated areas of all types
Very mild signs of caution when approaching edges or when on an elevated area. Signs may include:

    very mild tense body language
    Maintains Work
Mild signs of apprehension when approaching edges, drop-offs, or when on an elevated area. Signs may include:

    mildly tense body language
    mild hesitancy with mild transient compression
    mild hurrying.
    Maintains work and improves with subsequent exposure.
Moderate signs of fear when approaching edges, drop-offs, or when on an elevated area. Signs may include:

    moderately tense body language
    balking on approach
    pulling away from the edge
    moderate compression
    is not comfortable matching speed to handler or waiting in the elevated area
    Interferes with ability to maintain work without handler support and encouragement
Severe signs of fear when approaching edges, drop-offs, or when on an elevated area. Signs may include:

    severely tense body language
    severe balking
    refusal on approach
    severe pulling away from the edge
    severe compression
    Does not maintain work. Will not work effectively on elevated areas.

Video Examples

Test Type Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
GDBART Adult Dog Test Absent Very Mild Mild Example Severe
Walk & Talks Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
Puppy Test Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe