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44. Socially Inappropriate Behavior With Dogs

44. Socially Inappropriate Behavior With Dogs

Definition Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
Exhibits poor social manners with other dogs Is socially appropriate around dogs in all settings as evidenced by not body slamming, humping, roughly pursuing play despite other dog’s communications to stop. Very occasionally exhibits very mild socially inappropriate behavior around dogs. Inappropriate behavior may include;

    very mildly pursuing play despite other dog’s communications to stop
    The level of handler skills mildly impacts the handler’s ability to build a trusting relationship with the dog, communicate clearly, use appropriate praise and reward, provide clear boundaries and use skills to direct the dog
Occasionally exhibits mild socially inappropriate behavior around dogs. Inappropriate behavior may include;

    mildly pursuing play
    brief muzzling or mouthing despite other dog’s communications to stop
Frequently exhibits moderate socially inappropriate behavior around dogs. Inappropriate behavior may include;

    pursuing play despite other dog’s communications to stop
    muzzle punches
    brief humping
Frequently exhibits severe socially inappropriate behavior around dogs. Inappropriate behavior may include;

    persistent play despite other dog’s communications to stop
    hard muzzle punches
    rough mouthing
    persistent humping

Video Examples

Test Type Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
GDBART Adult Dog Test Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
Walk & Talks Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe
Puppy Test Absent Very Mild Mild Moderate Severe