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Managing canine herpes

Herpes is an extremely common canine virus – most social dogs who meet and greet other dogs will get infected.

  • High mortality in unborn and newborns 
    • resorption of the embryos
    • abortion of the fetuses
    • Stillbirth
    • death of puppies within a few weeks of life
  • Pregnant dog should be isolated from other dogs 
    • for the last three weeks of pregnancy
    • and the first three weeks after birth
    • Transmission- dog shedding virus- saliva, 
Prevention for dogs in a colony:
  • Since Herpes is very prevalent, kennel all broods either before or during their estrus with the brood that had herpes.
  •  Do not expose pregnant broods to the brood that had herpes. 
  •  Exposure of your broods at a time when not pregnant will help them develop a protective antibody titer.  Some methods expose bitches while in for evaluation (for 1 month, though a shorter timeframe could be acceptable)
  • The danger to neonatal puppies is when a bitch that has no protective titer is infected with herpes virus, either when her puppies are neonates or when she is pregnant.  
  • Implementing this procedure has significantly reduced or eliminated herpes fatalities at the trial school/s.