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Behaviour Scoring
- 1. Anxious in unfamiliar situations
- 2. Fear Of Noises
- 3. Fear of Novel Objects
- 4. Fear of Underfootings
- 5. Fear of Dogs
- 6. Fear of Stairs
- 7. Fear of Traffic
- 8. Separation Anxiety
- 9. Hyper-Attachment
- 10. Fear Of Strangers
- 11. Body Handling Concern
- 12. Retreats When Reached For
- 13. Harness Handle On Back Sensitivity
- 14. Avoidance Of Blowing Fan
- 15. Body Sensitivity To Object Contact
- 16. Anxious About Riding In Vehicles
- 17. Inhibited or passively avoidant when exposed to potentially stressful situations
- 18. Activated when exposed to potentially stressful situations
- 19. Excitable
- 20. Slow To Return To Productive Emotional State
- 21. Fidgety When Handler Is Idle
- 22. Fear On Elevated Areas, Drop-Offs Etc.
- 23. Barks Persistently
- 24. High Energy Level
- 25. Lacks Focus
- 26. Movement Excites
- 27. Chasing Animals
- 28. Dog Distraction
- 29. Sniffing
- 30. Scavenges
- 31. Inappropriate Behavior Around The Home
- 32. Lacks Initiative
- 33. Not Willing
- 34. Resource Guarding Toward People
- 35. Aggression Toward Strangers
- 36. Aggression Toward Dogs
- 37. Resource Guarding Toward Dogs Or Other Pets
- 38. Inappropriate Elimination While Working En Route
- 39. Socially Inappropriate Behavior With People
- 40. Inconsistent
- 41. Handler/Dog Team
- 42. Relationship Skills
- 43. Comparison 9 To 1 Score
- 44. Socially Inappropriate Behavior With Dogs
- 45. Thunder Reaction Prior To, During Or Immediately After A Thunderstorm
- 46. Kennels Poorly
- 47. Working Speed
- 48. Gait When Moving Out
- 49. Housebreaking Problems
- 50. Innate Desire To Work
- 51. Avoidance Of Exhaust From Vehicles
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- Weight and BCS Body Condition Score - Add new / Edit or Delete
- Hip Vezzoni, Add new
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Early Socialization
- Video - Coat Desensitization
- Video - Novel Objects
- Video - Trolley Ride with Mom
- Early Puppy Socialization - Novel Objects video
- Early Puppy Socialization – Novel Sounds video
- Early Puppy Socialization – Introducing New Environments video
- Early Puppy Socialization – Motor Development, Balance, Coordination, Proprioception video
- Early Puppy Socialization – Passive Environmental Enrichment in the Den video
- Early Puppy Socialization – Stairs
Genetic Selection & Inbreeding
- What are EBVs and how do they help?
- How EBVs are calculated
- What is needed to calculate EBVs and EBV accuracy?
- Using EBVs effectively
- Selection index
- Why are EBVs different for littermates?
- Presentation Recording: Improving behavior using EBVs
- Presentation Recording: Using EBVs successfully
- Presentation Recording - Improving health using EBVs
Organization Management
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Early Puppy Socialization – Novel Sounds video
PostedMarch 20, 2022
UpdatedAugust 4, 2022
This video covers Novel Sound socialization for puppies from birth to 8+ weeks of age.