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Heart Quick

To begin, follow steps on searching /selecting the dog with which you would like to add/edit their file.

Once the dog is selected, follow these steps…

1.Select the [Show Details] icon to the left of the dog’s name.

2. Select the [Heart Quick] tab.

3. Click the [Add new] button

4. This will open up a new window where you can add the required data and additional data for the heart diagnoses. Diagnoses date and Diagnoses are the only required information. The rest can be added if you have it as additional data.

           A. Diagnoses Date – *Required – Enter the date the diagnoses was completed

           B. Date is Estimated – If the Diagnoses Date is an estimate, check off the box. If the date is confirmed, just leave blank.

           C. Diagnoses – *Required – Select from the drop down menu the diagnoses given.

           D. Measure Type – Select from the drop-down the measurement used to get the diagnoses (

           E. Details – Enter any details you wish about the procedure or the diagnoses.

Additional data – Not required

         A. Who diagnosed – Enter the Clinic or Veterinarian that made the diagnoses – if not already in your list, Add new (in blueprint under the field)

         B. Confidence Diagnosis Is Accurate – enter option from drop down menu.

C. Measure 1 (right)

         D. Measure 2 (left)

E. Registry Name – Type in the name of the Registry if certified (i.e. OFA, etc.) – if not already in your list, Add new (in blueprint under the field)

         F. Certification Number – enter the number of the certification from the registry


5. Once all the information is entered, click [Save] at the bottom of the screen 

6. Once entered and saved, the diagnoses will appear in the list on the main Heart Quick page. If needing to edit (or add more info) later on or you need to delete if added in error, you can now do this.

     ATo edit an entry, simply select the [Edit] icon – the pencil – to the left of the diagnoses you wish to edit. The previous fields from #4 will appear. Edit / add to which ones are needed and click [Save] when finished

    B. If you are needing to delete a diagnoses, click the box to the left of the diagnoses and by doing so it will activate the delete button. Click [Delete] and confirm you wish to delete by clicking OK in the pop up confirmation box.


7. Heart Attachments – You can also add an attachment to the diagnoses in the form of a Photo, PDF, etc.

To do this, click the [Show Details] icon to the left of the diagnoses you wish to add to.  Click [Add new] or [Inline Add].


A. Enter the date of the attachment

B. Select the type of attachment from the drop down menu.

C. Enter a description of what the attachment

D. Upload the file from your computer or drag file into the box.

E. Click [Save]