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ADI Public Access Test


The purpose of the public access test is to help evaluate service/assistance dog team behavior in public and to ensure that dogs that have public access are
stable, well-behaved, and unobtrusive to the public.


  • The team must score all “Always” or “Most of the time” responses on the A-M-S-N parts of the test
  • The team must score at least 80% “yes” answers on the “yes” / “no” portion of the test.
  • All quotations marked by an asterisk must be answered by a “YES” response.

To begin entering an ADI Public Access Test, follow steps on searching / selecting the dog with which you would like to add/edit their file.

Once the dog is selected, follow these steps…

1.Select the [Show Details] icon to the left of the dog’s name.

2. Select the [ADI Public Access Test] tab.

3. Select [Add new]

4. In the pop up window that appears, enter the testing details at the top of the form. Anything with an red asterisk is a required field.  Other data is recommended to add if known.

                                                           I.  Outcome Select the appropriate outcome from the drop down list.

5. The next section you do not have to enter anything as they will auto calculate as you answer the questions in the next sections after saving.

6. Next are 14 testing skills you will evaluate and score accordingly using the options available below the skill description. Select the most relevant to how the dog responds.

Repeat for each of the 14 questions.

7. At the bottom of the questions there are also two categories specifically for Service Dog Skills and Hearing Dog Skills. 16 skill tests in 6 cateragories for Service Skills, and 7 skill tests in 3 categories for Hearing Skills.

8. Once all skill tests are completed, click Save at bottom of page.

9. Once your Test is saved, you can see the test listed on the tabs page.

You can then click the table icon and add any Client Photos PDFs taken in relation to the test to review at a later date.

10. You can also Edit or Inline Add to edit errors recorded on the test.

Click the Edit (Pencil icon) to edit the testing results. This will create a pop up window where you can go through the questions again (like in #6). edit your answers as needed, then Click save at bottom of window to save your changes.  You can also click the Inline Add (Box with pencil icon) to edit the answers that will open the line to show your answers. Edit answers as needed and click the check mark, or Save all to save your changes.

11. You can also view the record. Click the View Record icon (magnifying glass). A pop up window will appear with an easy to read document of your test results.

12. Delete a test – check the box to the right of the View record icon, this will activate the Delete button. Click Delete button, then click OK to verify you want to delete the test.