Managing canine herpes

Herpes is an extremely common canine virus – most social dogs who meet and greet other dogs will get infected. High mortality in unborn and newborns  resorption of the embryos abortion …

What data should I collect?

Introduction When it comes to data collection and what is needed to make significant improvements in a colony, the message is simple: keep everything and turn raw data into something …

Semen analysis

Routine semen analyses and palpation of the testes and epididymi should be completed every three months at minimum.  Ideally, a stud dog should be collected a few days prior to …

Health History Report

To begin, follow steps on searching / selecting the dog with which you would like to work on. Once the dog is selected, follow these steps… 1.Select the [Show Details] …

Health Normals

To begin, follow steps on searching / selecting the dog with which you would like to add/edit their file. Once the dog is selected, follow these steps… 1.Select the [Show …

Health Diagnoses Add/Edit

Health Diagnoses are important data to track from health clearances to illness & disease in real time on your dogs. To add a New Health Diagnosis through Manage Your Dog’s …

Health Normals, Add new

A [Health Normals] exam is documenting the occurrence of a healthy physical exam each time it visits the veterinarian for a general exam. The dogs are being examined for any …