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Vaccines Add new / Edit or Delete

To begin, follow steps on searching /selecting the dog with which you would like to add/edit their file.

Once selected, follow these steps…

1. Select the [Show Details] icon to the left of the dog’s name.

2. Select [treatments] from the menu tabs.


3. Select [Add new] or [Inline Add]

4. Enter the fields below. A, B, D, and E are required fields.

          A. Date – Enter the date the treatment was done.

          B. What Was Done – Select an option from the drop down menu of what vaccine was given (there is one master list of common vaccines to select from, if the treatment you are looking for is not listed, please submit a support ticket requesting a new vaccine to be added.

          C.  Notes –  not required, but here you can add any additional information / details you wish here.

          D. Who Did It –  Enter the person who administered the treatment, if not already in the system you can [Add new] in blue print below field. Be sure sure to confirm this person is not in system prior to adding.

          E. Days Due Again – Enter the number of days the next vaccine is due. This will generate an automatic Reminder.

          F. Once all required data is entered, click [Save] button at bottom of screen.

         G. There is an option to [Insert Template Text]. Please see separate instructions on how to do this as they need to be created prior to using. 

5. Now your treatments will appear in the list on the main Treatments page.

6. You can edit or delete a reminder from the list

          A. Edit by selecting the [Edit] icon (pencil) – the fields shown in #4 will appear. Edit what needs to be edited, and click [Save] when finished.

          B. Delete by clicking on the box to left in the row you wish to delete. This will activate the [Delete] button.

C. Click on [Delete] and confirm on the pop-up window by clicking [OK].