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Private Notes

What are the different functions of ‘alerts’, ‘private notes’ and ‘incidents’ tabs?
ANSWER: Incidents have all important happenings. Serious risks are also added as alerts.

1. Alerts are special warnings about a dog’s health such as drug reactions or behavior such as tendency to bite people or other dogs, escapes, severe phobias, etc. Usually if a dog has a serious behavioral incident that should be a special warning.

2. Private notes were created to provide a way to store comments and observations on dogs owned by others. Many organizations also use private notes for dogs they own.

3. Incidents record a wide variety of events that are coded with details and people involved. Incidents and private notes are stored in the same table and regardless of where entered, they are visible in either tab. Therefore, incidents replace private notes within a particular form. You don’t need both private notes and incidents.

Below are details on Private Notes. Please see the articles for Alerts and Incidents for more details on those functions.

To begin, follow steps on searching /selecting the dog with which you would like to add/edit their file.

Once selected, follow these steps…

1. Select the [Show Details] icon to the left of the dog’s name.

2. Select [Private Notes] from the menu tabs.

3. Select [Add new]

4. When entering in Private Notes, all fields are mandatory.

  • Enter the [Date] the private note is created.
  • Select the [Type] of note it is by selecting from the drop down menu. If you do not see what you are looking for click on [Add new] in blue print below the field.
  • And then add your [Notes]. Notes can be about anything really, i.e. if you are monitoring a situation, a discussion with a raiser, a health or behavior note, breeding or lineage note, a travel request, etc. ). Add as much detail as wanted.
  • Click [Save] once finished.

5. Now your notes will appear in the list on the main private notes page.

Please note that your private notes are only visible to the owner organization. 

6. You can edit or delete a note from the list

          A. Edit by selecting the [Edit] icon (pencil) – the fields shown in #4 will appear. Edit what needs to be edited, and click [Save] when finished.

          B. Delete by clicking on the box to left in the row you wish to delete. This will activate the [Delete] button. Click on [Delete] and confirm on the pop-up window by clicking [OK].

7. You can also add Attachments to Private Notes. Examples would be photos, PDFs, letters, documents, etc.

  •      Click on Attachments Private Notes on the line of the Note you wish to attach it to.

  • Select either [Add new] or [Inline Add] – [Add new] will create a new window, [Inline Add] will add a row/line below with the options to enter.

  • Enter the required fields marked with a red * asterisk
  • Attachment Type – select from the drop down menu
  • Date – enter the date the attachment is being added to private notes.
  • Description – enter a general description you wish to use to let you know easily what the attachment is.
  • Upload the attachment.
  • Click [Save] at the bottom of the screen.