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What are the different functions of ‘alerts’, ‘private notes’ and ‘incidents’ tabs?
ANSWER: Incidents have all important happenings. Serious risks are also added as alerts.

1. Alerts are special warnings about a dog’s health such as drug reactions or behavior such as tendency to bite people or other dogs, escapes, severe phobias, etc. Usually if a dog has a serious behavioral incident that should be a special warning.

2. Private notes were created to provide a way to store comments and observations on dogs owned by others. Many organizations also use private notes for dogs they own.

3. Incidents record a wide variety of events that are coded with details and people involved. Incidents and private notes are stored in the same table and regardless of where entered, they are visible in either tab. Therefore, incidents replace private notes within a particular form. You don’t need both private notes and incidents.

Below are details on Incidents. Please see the articles for Private Notes and Alerts for more details on those functions.

An [Incidents] record can be used for a wide variety of events that are coded with details and people involved.  Incidents and private notes are stored in the same table and regardless of where entered, they are visible in either tab.  Therefore incidents replace private notes within a particular form.  You don’t need both private notes and incidents.

To begin:

  1. Go to [Manage Your Dog’s Data].
  2. Select [My Dogs] or relevant CoOp Dogs.
  3. In search bar – search and select dog you wish to add the incident.
  4. Click on the [Show Details] table icon.
  5. Click on [Incidents] tab.

6. After selecting the tab, click [Add new]

7. Enter the required fields which are [Date] and the [Incident Type] and [Notes].

8. The Incident Type has a drop down with numerous options. Select the best match.

9. You can also add a [Person Involved] although not required.

10. Click [Save] at bottom of screen.