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Estrus Details -Add timing test results and breedings

To enter Estrus details, begin by selecting the Dam you wish to enter details for.

1.Click on Show Details

2. Select Estrus/Mating Details

3. Click on Inline Add button

4. Enter Date Done

5. Enter Type Done – Please Select from drop down menu the ‘Type’ of test done.


6. Enter Result – Please select the matching result from the drop-down menu. Each menu will be different depending on the Type Done selected. If the Result is a range, enter the actual result in the comment section.


7. Enter Comments – Enter any further details to the entry needed, e.g. specific progesterone results, complications, shipment details, etc.


8. Multi Sire – If you checked off Multi-Sire on the [Edit] page; when entering the [Type Done] for Insemination Method, select the sire of that sample under Multi-sire name. This will generate a stud list when going back to enter the results of the DNA under the [Puppies Add & Edit] section. Entering the studs here also allows IWDR to track stud productivity.