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Health Screening List

To begin, follow steps on searching / selecting the dog with which you would like to work on.

Once the dog is selected, follow these steps…

1.Select the [Show Details] icon to the left of the dog’s name.

2. Select the [Health Screening List] tab.


3. Clicking on the full tab will give you a full list of everything in the record to date.

You can then sort the columns by clicking on the heading of the column you wish to sort by.

4. To generate a report to print or save, begin by clicking the square icon (with the arrow) in the tab.

5. On this next screen, decide what you would like to include in your printout by selecting the boxes to the left on the page. If all are wanted, click the top box next to the headings row. It will select / deselect all the boxes at once.

   5.a. If there are more items than will fit on one page, it may be helpful to select show [All] items.  You can find this drop down in the top right corner next to the [Print] icon button.


6. Once your selections are made, click on the [Print] icon button in the top left of your page.

6.a. You can select to print all pages, just this page you are on, or the selected items.

You can also enter how many records you would like on a page by changing the number in the box.

Once done selections, click the [Print] button.

7. A document will then be generated that you can either print or save as a pdf for a hard file or sending with the dog when the dog is travelling.

The document will display the dog/s full call/pedigree name, DOB & Age, Breed, Gender, Microchip number, and the Status in Owner’s Program.