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Diagnostic Imaging, Add new / Edit or Delete


To begin, follow steps on searching /selecting the dog with which you would like to add/edit their file.

Once the dog is selected, follow these steps…

1.Select the [Show Details] icon to the left of the dog’s name.

2. Select the [Diagnostic Imaging] tab.


3. Click the [Add new] or [Inline Add] – Either of these options will provide the same menu. [Add new] will pop-up a new window, whereas [Inline Add] will add a row below the blue bar to create a list.

4. Next in the pop-up or the row line that appears, enter the following required information…

           A. Diagnoses Date – Enter the date the supplies were used.

           B. What Was Done – Select from the drop down menu. If you do not see what you are looking for, click on [Add new] in blue print just below the field to add a new item to the list.

           C. Who Did It – Start typing the person or organization into the field, select from the options listed. If you do not see the name, continue adding more letters. If you have checked both first, last name, and correct spelling – to prevent duplicate entry – click [Add new] to add a new person.

           D. Days Due Again – If a repeat is necessary, enter in the number of days it will be due again. If no recheck is needed, leave at 0.

E. Once all information is entered click [Save] at the bottom of window.


The rest of the info is good to enter if you have it, but not required to save.

          A. Normal – Select Yes or No from the drop-down menu

          B. Notes – Enter any additional information here

          C. Quantity – Enter the number of What Was Done

              Be sure to save any added information before exiting

          D. There is also an option at the top of the window to [Insert Template Text]. Please see separate instructions on how to do this. 

5. Once entered and saved, the genetic tests entered will appear in the list on the main tab page. If needing to edit (or add more info) later on or you need to delete if added in error, you can now do this.

     5.A. To edit an entry, simply select the [Edit] icon or the [Inline Edit] – the pencil or the box with a pencil in the corner, to the left in the row you wish to edit. The previous fields from #4 will appear. Edit / add info to which ones are needed and click [Save] when finished.

     5.B. If you are needing to delete a record, click the box to the left of the row and by doing so it will activate the [Delete] button. Click [Delete]. 

     5.C. It will prompt you to confirm you want to delete the record by clicking [Ok] on the next pop-up window.