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6.2.2- Call Name / Pedigree Name

Enter the Call Name / Pedigree Name in the [Edit] screen under the dog you wish to edit.

[Call Name] is the common name listed that the owner will call the puppy at birth and/or throughout training.

[Pedigree Name] is the name given to a puppy at birth by prior owner/breeder, as well it could be the legal ‘registered’ name (if registered). This can include given name (s), collar color, Dam’s name, school name, or school ID.

When a name shows on a report, it would look like – DeeDee PADS Green F3 DWW for example. By entering both Call and Pedigree names this way, it enables the user to search a dog using either their current name or the previous name given if the current name is unknown.

You should record/copy the previous [Call Name] given, into the [Pedigree Name] field if a puppy/dog is transferred to your ownership.


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