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2.3 – Data Migration

  • Data Migration Service- IWDBC offers data migration services for organizations that would like to import data into IWDR instead of hand entering it. Contact Dr. Eldin Leighton, at for discussion on approaches and cost to import your dog data into IWDR
  • General stops for data migration
    1. Export dog data into the correct format. Data in correct fields and correct field type
    2. Information will be provided on what to do and the file structure for IWDR tblDog and tblDogPhenoTrait (health diagnoses) and the reference tables for breed, color, etc.
    3. Data is submitted to IWDR administrator for duplicate checking within the database and between your data and IWDR and data completeness
    4. The dog dataset will be returned to you with the IWDR DogID added for strong matches and indication of potential other matches that you will need to assess. Additionally, dogs with insufficient data to create an IWDR dog record or other data problems will be identified
    5. Iterative processing of the dog records continues until it is deemed suitable for importing to IWDR
    6. Records are imported for the dogs
    7. Additional records such as health diagnoses can then be electronically imported via the same process or hand entered
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