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11.1 – Training Active, Edit

Training Active allows the user to update adult dog’s training details.

Track Person Responsible, training region, and add progress reports.

  1. To start, go to Training in the main menu, and select Training Active.

2. A list of all dogs in this category will appear. If you want to filter the search a bit more, use the fields on the left to add more specific detail. For i.e. you could search for a specific breed or sex in your search.


3. To select a dog to edit from the list, click on the [Edit] pencil icon.


4. Training Active, Edit allows you to enter data to track dog’s training. For i.e. Person Responsible, Dog TrnRegionDate, Training Region, Location Start Date, and Location

5. You can also add Team Progress Reports, and Equipment used. Please see additional articles on these in this category.

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