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Updating a Dog’s Foster Carer / Puppy Raiser / Breeding Host

Why do this?

This helps you keep track of where your dogs are located. You can record some details about the people who are caring for your dogs and what their role is. You can also record multiple relationships to track, for example, how many carers a dog has had, short-term boarding/foster care placements, or when the dog is staying with a trainer or staff member. This data will then show up on certain dog lists within the IWDR.


How to to this:

You can update who a dog’s foster carer is within various lists found menu items such as “Juvenile Development > Puppy Raising Active”, “Breeder Host and Care > Breeder Hosting” or “Early Development“.  When you click to edit a dog in one of these lists, use the tab “Place with Foster Carer”:

Make sure the foster carer has already been created.  (To do this, go to “People/Organizations > Our Private People”.

You can indicate if that person has the dog now (which makes that person’s name display on the list page).  This also allows for dogs to have multiple relationships with different people.

End the relationship by editing and adding an end date when that person is no longer raising the dog.

The types of puppy raisers have been expanded to include the creative ways organizations have adapted to our changing world where volunteers are in shorter supply.

The “Place with Adopter” tab in the Inactive-Adoption menu enables indicating the final placement person for released or retired dogs.


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